Friday, 15 February 2013

IAC Weekend Course and Grading - April 6th and 7th, 2013

We are pleased to announce a training/grading weekend with the Irish Aikido Circle, details as follows:

Date: April 6th and 7th, 2013.

Instructors: John Meldrum, Paul Bregazzi and Aureli Osle.

Venue: Studio 7, Mardyke Arena Sports Complex, University College Cork.
           (please visit for details)

Times:   Sat 10am-12:30pm, 2pm-4:30pm.
             Sun 10:30am-12:30pm, 2pm-4:30pm.

Costs: €20 for full weekend /€10 for students/unwaged.
           €5/per session /€2.50 for students/unwaged.

This weekend is open to all who wish to train and grade in the continued spirit and traditions of the Aiki No Michi style of Alan Ruddock sensei.  All are welcome. Visiting Aikidoka will be accommodated if possible.

Please note - for those wishing to grade, attendance for the full weekend is required. For further details on the grading structure within the Irish Aikido Circle, please see the Grading Structure page above. Gradings will be based on the Aiki No Michi grading syllabus.

Also, we appreciate the fact that this course clashes with another event organised in Limerick on the same date. Due to circumstances outside of our control regarding facility bookings, we cannot move this date at this point. We wish the Limerick Circle of Harmony (with whom we have been in contact about this matter) the very best with their course.